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Hurricane Hilary brings heightened surf conditions to So. California

Hurricane Hilary is currently making its way towards California, bringing with it a heightened risk of dangerous surf conditions. Surfers and beachgoers should be aware of the potential hazards and take necessary precautions to stay safe.

The large swells generated by the hurricane can create powerful rip currents and large shore breaks, which can quickly and easily overpower even experienced swimmers and surfers. It is important to stay aware of the conditions and heed warnings from lifeguards and authorities.

Surfers should prepare themselves by checking their equipment, wearing appropriate wetsuits and leashes, and avoiding crowded areas where they could be at greater risk of collision. They should also avoid surfing alone and inform others of their plans before heading out.

Ultimately, while the arrival of Hurricane Hilary may bring excitement and opportunity for experienced surfers, it is important to stay safe and avoid unnecessary risks. By being aware of the potential dangers and taking necessary precautions, surfers and beachgoers can enjoy the thrills of the waves without putting themselves in harm’s way.

Hurricane Hilary 2023

As for lessons, Alolkai will be assessing the strength of the swells arriving however rain may cancel sessions for the next few days. We just have to see how this effects California. Stay tuned..

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